When a person you love is referred to a hospice care location, such as Orchard Hill at Sudbury Assisted Living Community, the transition can be quite difficult for you and for your loved one going through it. The mental and emotional adjustments to shift in care from trying to fight off illness to maintaining comfort at the end of life are adjustments that each person makes differently and in their own time. However, there are ways that you can help your loved one adjust to living with hospice care and to their change of circumstances. So, get to know some of the ways that you can help your loved one through the most difficult transition of their life while dealing with your feelings about it at the same time.

Be Cordial And Inviting To Hospice Workers

One of the elements that may make your loved one most uncomfortable about the transition to hospice is the idea of strangers coming into their home and witnessing them at their most vulnerable and during such as sensitive time in their life. To help relieve your loved one's apprehensions and fears, you can be openly cordial and welcoming to the hospice workers that come into their home. 

Make a point to engage the hospice workers in conversation. Get to know them, and make sure that your loved one feels comfortable to do the same. Hospice care is very personal and the trained professionals who work in hospice are empathetic individuals that are there to provide both medical and emotional support to patients and their families. 

So, the more friendly you are with the hospice staff, the more comfortable your loved one will get with their new hired companions. You may feel that you are being overly friendly and personable with staff, but you will be going through tough times with these people around, so you will get to know each other well regardless.

Remind Your Loved One That They Are Still In Charge

Even though your loved one will be provided medical care for comfort as a part of their hospice care, this does not mean that the medical staff will take over their life. Your loved one needs to know that they are still in charge of their own care and can assert their wished on their staff. 

If your loved one does not want to take their pain medication or wants to skip a dose, it is up to them to make that decision. Staff should not try to force their will on your loved one by pressing the issue.

It will likely make your loved one more comfortable with hospice care if they know that their life is not being controlled by somebody else. They are still an autonomous person, and their caregivers are working for your loved one, not taking over the decision-making process for them. The idea behind hospice is support.

If you keep these factors in mind and help your loved one to do so as well, you will be well on your way to assisting your loved one in their transition into hospice care. Remember that while this is a difficult transition for all involved, hospice staff are there to provide the emotional and medical support your loved one needs, and can even help you to handle this tough situation.  
